Upcoming tutorial list

Monday, December 17, 2012


Hello there,who are in my blog,roaming around and discover my stuff.Here i write someupcoming tutorials and freebies that i will made for you.Just scroll down and read them aloud.

Upcoming tutorials for you:

  • Tutorial:Date header bawah post macam saya
  • Tutorial:Background date header
  • Tutorial:Nota kecil bawah sidebar title
  • Tutorial:Link hover berwebsite
  • Tutorial:Search box like mine
  • Tutorial:Rounded navigation above content-wrapper
  • Tutorial:Tips to make various navigation hover
  • Tutorial:Navigation hover without change tab
  • Tutorial:Floating navigation menu hover 1
*P/s:All this tutorial are only for the template designer [Denim,washed denim,simple template].

Frequently ask me

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hello,and yep my dear friends.I'm right now want to tell you and answering all question that questioned your brain about tutorials and stuff here.So,read them carefullt and kindly ask me if yiu don't understand ceratian subject,and if you have any question,indly ask me at cbox,and your question will be asnwered here.Ok.Ready.They goes like these:

What is the stuff presented here?

Tutorials and freebies that you want and i'm ready to fulfil your request here.Tutor here help you to enchance your blog and at the same time it help me to improve my skill doing certain tutorial.
Where can i ask a question?

You can ask me directly in cbox,or if you want to proceed to my ask.fm link,it's ok for me.Do remember to ask question that revolving about tutorials and freebies only.

What type of requesting offered here?

There are many type,just to proceed to order link and it will tell you what your needs.

Where can i find the requesting form?

Just move your cursor smoothly to the order link on top of content/body of the blog.Do remember to fill all the required form before sending your request to me.You may also include the description about you request so that i will know it.

What about the price of the offer?

The price depend on your type of request.If it only a small matter,then the charge will be cheap too.The image provided here,or requesting image,will not take any charge.You can go to the order link too to know more.

Can i get a discount on the price provided here?

Yes,of course you can if you're ready to add me on Facebook.Hehe.The discount that can you get is about 10% to 20% discount.

Can i find what i need?

Yes,you can find what your need through the search box at the sidebar that only related to my tutorials provided here.If not,you can directly go to stuff link.

Can i make a request of tutor?

Yes,if only you tell me what type of tutor you want through my cbox or requesting form.You can review my all site[kawaiiness and this site to see the template]

Are there a requesting to made full blog editing although i don't have any account?

Actually,not,you need to sign up before made editing full blog request.You can send your email and password to me.After that,you have to change your email and password after your request had done.

Tutorials section

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hello,tutorials section are here.Hope you enjoy editing.If u couldn't understand the steps,feel free to message me on cbox or email me .

Tutorial:Template design
Tutorial-round hover with shadow Tutorial-double underline Tutorial-floating button Tutorial-double dashed hover Tutorial-link warna pelangi Tutorial-about me Tutorial-letak background pada blockquote Tutorial-flash blockquote Tutorial-link dibuka pada new tab Tutorial link hover cantik Tutorial-link hover unik Tutorial-letak my status kat sidebar Tutorial-marquee gambar bergerak Tutoral-marquee ayat bergerak post title Tutorial-reply to comment Tutorial -for blog archiverial-scroll box Tutorial-post footer Tutorial-menu tab navigasi versi 2011 Tutorial-link hover 3 in 1 Tutorial-animasi loading pada gambar Tutorial-scroll di posting Tutorial-link mereng bila dihalakan cursor Tutorial-pasang gambar pada komen Tutorial-menampilkan avatar di komen  Tutorial-menu tab navigation bar Tutorial-animated recent post  Tutorial-zoom image(highslide javascript) Tutorial-date header di luar entry Tutorial-divider bawah post Tutorial-opening note Tutorial-image melengkung Tutorial-body melengkung Tutorial-main background Tutorial jquery top button Tutorial-back to top Tutorial-pisahkan main and sidebar Tutorial-centerkan header Tutorial-unclickable header Tutorial-tambah page number Tutorial-post footer like mine Tutorial-icon sebelah old entry Tutorial-image hover melengkung Tutorial-image hover 2 Tutorial-jquery image hover Tutorial-belajar buat header cara mudah Tutorial-simple cute navigation Tutorial:simple cute navigation hover Tutorial-image hover with text Tutorial kotak link new Tutorial new menu bar Tutorial new dropdown menu hover Tutorial dialog box new Tutorial click here header Tutorial image flip and link Tutorial 6 stylish searchbox Tutorial menu bar in navigation

Tutorial-blockquote lip-lap Tutorial-blockquote style 1 Tutorial-blockquote style 2 Tutorial-blockquote style 3 Tutorial-cara menggunakan blockquote Tutorial-blockquote style 4 Tutorial-blockquote hover new

Tutorial:Sidebar mainbar
Tutorial-border post title 1 Tutorial-border post title 2 Tutorial-icon tepi post title Tutorial-border post title hover style 3

She Fixed Girl[1th Skin]


Hey,guys,hari ini Julia nak bagi korang skin yang julia baru buat.My first skin.So,Julia harap korang boleh mempertimbangkannya.New lagi,kalau dah guna comment k.Thank you.Mungkin Julia akan buat skin kedua dengan lebih baik.Tajuk skin ini She Fixed Girl.Kalau korang ada apax2 pertanyaan boleh tanya Julia di c box,Ok.Gomawo.


Category edit blog full

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Hello,everybody,Julia hari ini nak bincangkan dan memberitahu pengumuman penting.Juliakan ada jual blog bukan?Maksud Julia,editing atau full editing dan sebagainya.Jadi bagi part edit full blog.Julia ada senaraikan category berserta peneranganya sekali.Jom baca di bawah ini.

Category 1

1. Category blog ini jenis simple sahaja
2. Berserta menu navigasi hover dan kawaii image
3. Berserta header yang bersesuaian dengan blog
4. Keluasan blog minimum 940-950px
5. Muncul dalam pelbagai warna:

  1. Pink
  2. Biru
  3. Purple
  4. Hitam
  5. Kuning
  6. Hijau

6. Harga yang ditawarkan ialah minimum RM5.00 ke RM10.00

Category 2

1. Merupakan header macam Julia ini,yang tak ada header tapi special dibahagian atas
2. Berserta dengan kawaii image untuk sidebar menu dan widget
3. Menu navigasi di atas berserta hover dan scalloped edge/renda/kawaii lace
4. Keluasan blog adalah luas,maximum 990px
5. Muncul dalam pelbagai warna:

  1. Pink
  2. Purple
  3. Merah
  4. Biru

6. Harga yang ditawarkan ialah minimum RM10.00 ke RM15.00

Category 3

1. Category ini merupakan category blog macam kawaiiness
2. Header bersambung dengan body bahagian atas dan footer
3. Lengkap dengan kawaii icon gif atau image dan menu navigasi
4. Header berambu di atas dan bahagian footer berserta ayat dan image
5. Keluasan blog ini ialah 974px
6. Muncul dalam pelbagai warna:

  1. Pink
  2. Merah
  3. Purple
  4. Biru

7. Harga yang ditawarkan ialah RM20.00

Category 4

No picture to be display

1. Merupakan blog yang sidebarnya dan postnya terpisah
2. Sidebar terpisah dan absolute atau fixed/melekat pada background
3. Lengkap dengan menu navigasi dan kawaii image di sidebar
4. Header adalah keinginan sendiri sama ada mahu atau pun tidak,kerana ianya ada dua jenis:
a.Ada header di atas,pelbagai jenis
b.Tidak ada header,seperti category 2,hanya special diatas berserta menu navigasi dan hiasan
5. Muncul dalam pelbagai warna:

  1. Pink
  2. Hitam
  3. Biru
  4. Purple

6. Harga yang ditawarkan ialah RM 10.00 ke RM12.00

P/S:Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan boleh bertanya di cbox julia atau pergi ask.fm julia untuk ketahui selanjutnya.Sekian.